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Set Up an Award Interpretation

The Award Interpretation Feature in FieldInsight helps in determining the appropriate pay items based on a worker’s timesheet.

Written by Jeffry Juni
Updated over 6 months ago

Objective: To be able to know how to set up the Award Interpretation in FieldInsight which

includes adding the shift, work interval, pay items to the Award.

Key Steps:

  1. Login to FieldInsight

  2. Enable Awards in Timesheets Setting

  3. Create an Award

  4. Create the Shift and Work Interval

  5. Create Pay Items (as necessary)

  6. Add timesheet entries and verify award interpretation

IMPORTANT NOTE: To use this feature, you should have the “Smart Timesheet” enabled in your account.


  1. Log in to FieldInsight using a scheduler account.

  2. Click on the Cog Icon and click on "Settings"

  3. Tick the “Enable Awards”, then click (Edit)

  4. You should see a popup which will display all your Awards (currently there is none).

    Click on + Award to add one.

  5. Build the configuration for your award on this popup.

    You can define the shifts and configure the work interval individually for Normal Day (weekdays), Saturday, Sunday, and Public Holiday.

    Once you added a shift, it will then show you this section for you to define the rules for the shift.

  6. Configure the Shift for a Normal Day (weekdays)

    NOTE: If you only have one shift within a Normal Day (weekdays), Saturday, or Sunday, then you can just set it to Normal Shift Rule by default.
    Click this link If you need to understand more about the other shift rules i.e. Exclusive, Exclusive Overriding, and Overriding.

    Set the work interval for this shift.
    Example: 8.0 Hours after the 8 AM Start Time, the Pay Item is "Double"

    Click Set to save the work interval

    This is how the shift should look like. You may verify the pay item and the interval of the shift.

  7. You may add another shift (e.g. Afternoon Shift) on the normal day.

    For the purpose of this guide, another shift is added to show how the Exclusive Overriding Shift affects the Award interpretation. You may see Step 10 of this guide the comparison of the same entries when the Afternoon shift is set to Exclusive Overriding or Normal

  8. You should be able to see the award you created on this list.
    Click X to close the popup

  9. Set the Default Award to the award you created.
    Save the timesheets setting.
    Note: You can also set the award on the Staff Level.

  10. You may try adding a timesheet entry either on a job or directly on the Detailed Timesheet Page. You should then be able to see an Awards section on the timesheet entry once saved.

    NOTE: The example above is configured to automatically deduct 30 minutes once the timesheet hours go beyond 5 hours. It will deduct the 30 minutes from the last work interval of a given shift where the "lunch starts" intersects. This means technicians can enter their time including the lunch break.

    If you don't want the system to auto-deduct the lunch break , then you can disable the "Lunch rule".


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