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Add a job to fix a defect

Plan defects to fix on a job

Natasha Tyrrell avatar
Written by Natasha Tyrrell
Updated over a week ago

After a defect has been added to a job (see managing defects in the field for how to do this) a scheduler can schedule a job to fix the defect.

Schedule a defect to be fixed

Use the search filters to find the defect

Click on the down arrow next to the defect to schedule and select Add job

Add job details as needed, setting the time and date and adding a technician

To add more defects to be fixed, click on the Defects tab and check the defects to be fixed For this job. Use the Status filter search

Click save to save the job

Planned defects on Mobile

The planned defects for this job will show on the job for the technician. Click on the defect to view the details, update the resolution and change the status to fixed

Check the details, add Resolution description and images

Change the status to Fixed

Click Save

The Planned defect list is updated. To see additional defect for this site, that are not planned for this job, uncheck Planned for this job

Show links to planned defects in the job list on Mobile (optional)

Make it super easy for your technicians to find defects by add a link to the defect from the job list on mobile. When a defect has been set to fixed, they will see a green check next to it. The defect will show as

Asset number, Green check when fixed, defect name

To add planned defects links to the job list on Mobile open Settings - Misc scroll down to Mobile - Add fields to job list item.

  1. click on Add new field and

  2. Select the Planned defects placeholder to add the links


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