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Add SWMS to a job

How to add SWMS documents to a job

Natasha Tyrrell avatar
Written by Natasha Tyrrell
Updated over a week ago

Before you can add a Safety Document to a job you need to setup your template, see the Setup a SWMS or Safety document template article for how to add your templates

Add Safety Documents to a job

Schedule a job and on the job page, select the SWMS template in the SWMS dropdown

  • If you're using the smart timesheets feature, the SWMS will be presented to the Technician after they click the start button on the job.

  • Select a default Safety Document to be added for all new jobs

When you save the job, the technicians assigned to the job will be asked to sign this SWMS when opening the job. Technicians can update the SWMS as needed. When a SWMS document is updated all technicians are asked to sign it again. 

Check the Safety Documents signatures

Click on Safety in the top navigation to check who's signed and to download the latest version

All signed version can also be found on the job under the Safety tab

Click on the latest versions to download the signed document


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