When a SWMS document has been added to a job it will appear on the job for all technicians to sign
1. Open the job and click on the SWMS document to sign
The SWMS document appears in the SWMS section on the job. You can add additional SWMS by clicking on the Add job SWMS button and selecting a SWMS document/template.
2. Read and edit the SWMS as needed
Every time the SWMS is edited, all technicians on the job will be asked to re-sign an updated version of the SWMS document.
Example: If a technician signs a SWMS document and the next technician makes changes to the document (ie ads a new step), the first technician will be asked to sign again. The status of the SWSM will revert to not signed until all signatures are re-captured. The version that the first technician signed is still accessible under the versions tab.
Answer the PPE section
View and add steps, hazards and control measures as needed
3. Sign the SWMS at the bottom
Click on the blue edit button next to your name at the bottom of the SWMS and sign in the signature box. All technicians assigned to the job can sign on the same device.
4. Click save to save the SWMS document
The status of the SWMS document is updated to signed. If another technician changes the SWMS document that you have signed, you will be asked to sign the new version.