Schedule a block of job over several consecutive days, with the same start and end time.
Check the Multi-day checkbox to set the start and end date for the multi-day job
Similar to the ongoing job this is ONE job over several consecutive days, sharing all fields except the date, technicians and Status (optional)
Share all fields, updating one job visits updates all of them
Multi-day job visits can only be scheduled over consecutive days and have the same start and end time each day
Moving a multi-day job on the calendar moves all the job visits in a block
Changing the start or end date on the job page adds/removes job visits
Schedule a Multi-day job
Check the Multi-day checkbox on the right to set the start and end date for the multi-day job
Set the start and end date for the multi-day job visits to be scheduled over
Click save to schedule the job
Edit a multi-day job
Moving a Multi-day job
You can click and drag to move blocks of multi-day jobs on the schedule. The jobs work as a block and moving one visit moves the others.
Deleting a visit
You can delete a multi-day job visit the same as ant job by opening the job and hitting the delete button
Adding a visit
To add a visit, open the job and change the start and/or end time