FieldInsight provides various options to customise the mobile view to match your business needs. These settings allow you to enhance usability while ensuring compliance with business requirements. This document explains each setting so you can configure the mobile app to suit your workflow.
Access Mobile App Settings
To access the mobile settings:
Click the ⚙️ (Settings icon) in the top-right corner.
Select Settings from the dropdown menu.
Navigate to Work → Mobile
General Mobile Settings
There are several settings available, but let's start with the basic ones and how they affect the system.
AM/PM time format for jobs - Enable this to use AM/PM instead of the 24-hour clock.
Redirect to the next page after job status change - When a technician changes the job status, the system will automatically load the next page.
Allow technicians access to jobs of other technicians - Enables technicians to view all jobs, regardless of who is assigned to them.
Assign technician to this job if they change a jobs status - iIf a technician changes the status of a job, they will automatically be assigned to it.
Allow technician to delete files - Grants technicians permission to delete files from the system.
Show Site Customer's file to technicians - Field workers will have access to all files stored under the site account of customers.
Allow technicians to accept jobs - Technicians can accept jobs from the Unscheduled Jobs list by clicking the "Accept" button, which will assign the job to them.
Show route map link - Adds a pre-configured Waze link with the best route to the job.
Make GPS location mandatory for techncians - If your business uses GPS tracking, enable this to require location tracking when technicians use the app.
Hide jobs of other workers from the list of all jobs -Hides jobs assigned to other workers when technicians search for their own jobs.
Hide jobs of other workers from the list of all Unscheduled jobs - Hides unscheduled jobs that the technician is not assigned to.
Inventory types - Select which inventory types technicians can access in the field. This is particularly important if they create quotes, as they should have access to the relevant inventory items.
Assets, Timesheets & Other Settings
Expand details on item create - If technicians frequently add extra details to items in the field, enable this to expand the item details automatically.
Allow tech to delete asset - Grants technicians permission to delete assets.
Default to show assets on this job - Select assets to be displayed by default on a job. Technicians can still search for other assets linked to the site.
Asset ID in Test Plan - Choose whether the Asset ID in tests should be based on Custom ID or Customer Reference.
Show timesheets - Allows technicians to submit, edit, and manually add timesheets.
Show job priority on the job list - Displays the priority level of jobs in the job list.
Sort jobs on day view by - Choose to order jobs by Date or Priority in the Day View.
Show Start Service - Displays a button for technicians to start service on a job.
Account Customer Email on Driver app - TAllows technicians to view the account customer’s email. If enabled, you can also allow them to edit the email.
Allow workers to see all to-do's on a job - Technicians will be able to view all to-do items related to a job, not just the ones assigned to them.
Customise the Job list on Mobile
Select the information that you want your technicians to see on the job list page in the mobile app. By default, the job status and site (customer) name are displayed on the right, while the project/job number, job time, and address are displayed on the left. Additional information can be added under these fields using placeholders.
To add new information, click on "Add New Field" and select the placeholder information. You can add as many fields as needed. To remove unnecessary information, click the "Delete" button.