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Configuring Categories for Inventory Items

Organise inventory in FieldInsight by creating categories and sub-categories for products, services, and suppliers for better management.

Ana Pedro avatar
Written by Ana Pedro
Updated over a week ago

To keep your inventory organised and easier to manage, you can set up categories for different inventory items in FieldInsight.

Configuring Inventory Categories

Categories allow your business to group inventory items based on specific classifications. Each inventory type has its own set of categories, meaning that categories are configured individually for services, products, and other inventory types.

Access Category Configurations

To access the category settings:

  • Click "Inventory" in the left menu.

  • In the sub-menu, select the inventory type you want to configure categories for.

  • On the inventory page, click the "Settings" button, then select "Edit Categories" from the dropdown menu.

Add a New Category

In this section, you can view and manage all categories related to the selected inventory item. To add a new category:

  • Click the orange "Add" button next to "Category Name" in the table.

  • Fill in the following fields:

    • Name – Enter the category name.

    • Supplier (optional) – Link the category to a supplier in the system.

  • Click "Save" to save and close the window, or "Save and add another" to continue adding more categories.

Add a Sub-Category

You can further organise your categories by adding sub-categories to existing ones. To add a sub-category:

  • Locate the category in the list where you want to add a sub-category.

  • Click the arrow next to the category.

  • Select "Add a Sub-Category".

  • In the pop-up window, enter the sub-category name.

  • Click "Save" to save the sub-category, or "Save and add another" to continue adding more.

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