Each site has its own specific standard that is linked to the assets on this site. You can add as many standards as you need.
How to add a standard to a site
Open the site from Accounts - Site - use the Search function to find the site. Click on the site name to open the site.
Click on the Standards tab on the right
Click on Add standard to site
Select the standards to add and click Add selected to copy the standards to the site.
To edit a standard, click on the Edit link under the standard name. Please note that this will edit the standard copied to this site only, not the template.
How do techs access standards?
When a standard has been added to a site, all assets in the applicable category on that site will have a link to the standard on the asset test. Technicians can only view the Standard, not edit.
To view a standard on mobile
Open the asset test and click on the arrow to expand the standard section.
Click on the name of the standard to open.
The standard opens in a new window. View only.
Click on the back arrow < to go back to the asset test
Learn more
To edit the template standard that is copied to sites, go to the Assets standards register.
For more information about asset standards see Getting started with asset standards