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Asset Import

Upload your assets from a spreadsheet (.csv file)

Natasha Tyrrell avatar
Written by Natasha Tyrrell
Updated over a week ago

On the Asset page click on the Import assets button

Download the template file

Start by downloading the template file. Always use the template file for your asset import as it includes any custom fields that you have added.

  • Don't change the headings as they map to your asset fields in FieldInsight

  • Don't add any files as files cannot be imported in bulk

  • Empty fields will be imported as empty - if you don't want to overwrite a field that has data in it, remove these columns from the spreadsheet

File format

Upload .csv files only

Dropdown answers

The option needs to match exactly - if not, a new option will be created to match the option in the spreadsheet.

Model field

Same as the dropdown, it needs to match exactly - or a new option will be created. It's not possible to add descriptions or manuals through the asset import, these need to be added manually (once only for each option).

See How to link manuals to asset models for more information.

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