Add images to packages

Create beautiful quotes with inventory images. Make your business stand out. Turn your quote into a sale.

Natasha Tyrrell avatar
Written by Natasha Tyrrell
Updated over a week ago

Wanna turn a quote into a sale? Anytime you offer a service or want to sell a product you just want to make sure the client knows where he stands. We've created these beautiful templates to let the prospective clients know it all, what they're buying as well as how much it will cost them.

Now you can add your product images to your quotes so feel free to use our quote templates to save you the time in designing and sending quotes.

How to add images to packages

From the main menu on the left, hit the Inventory button and choose Packages from the dropdown list, or use this shortcut Inventory - Packages.

Hit the Add package button to edit a new package details.

On the New package page, fill out the details about the product you're creating a package for, the product name, and its description.

Add a heading (name) and description

Click on Add file to upload your product images from your computer.

Add an image

Now, you want to fill in all the item and pricing details.

1. Click on Add row, each time you have to add an item.

2. Hit the Service button to choose between product and service you're making a quote for.

3. Under Job type, type the name of the job related to the product, like installation, repair, etc. Or, if you hit that little arrow on the right, the cursor will be placed in the related field, and the list of default types of services will appear. Choose one and move to another tab.

4. Repeat the same with Category, Code and Description.

5. In the end, fill in the details about quantity, purchase and sales price, final amount, and tax. Choose if you want to include tax or not by clicking on YES/NO.

Make sure every item has its details covered, and that nothing is missing. When you're done, click on the Save button to save your quote.

Add items and set pricing

Click save

Configure your template to show images

Now, just a little more tweaking and you're all done! Let's go to the Settings to make a final touch and make sure your inventory images are showing in your quotes.

Click on a template to edit or click Duplicate to create a new template using the previous template as a starting point.

On your Quote page, scroll down to the Table section.

In the Inventory settings

Click on Show package summary

Click Save to save the template.

Add the package as usual to your quote. You can also add section headings above the packages.

Now your images will be displayed on your quotes, as shown in the picture below.

PDF presentation

We can help you configure your templates. Contact us for a quote

Need help? Let's touch base. Just shoot us a message anytime. And, don't forget to share your thoughts and suggestions with us! Can't wait to hear your feedback!😊


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