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Quick overview of job hours and service items
Quick overview of job hours and service items

Check the hours and sales for each job visit for ongoing, split or repeating jobs

Natasha Tyrrell avatar
Written by Natasha Tyrrell
Updated over a week ago

Get a quick overview of the job hours and items for each job visit for ongoing, split or repeating jobs

Open one of the jobs and click on the visit tab, each job has a column to show the timesheet hours, service items and product items.

Looking at this example I can see that my technicians added 4.08 hours to this job, but only 3 service item to a sales value of $594.

To correct this I click on the job to open it then click on the items tab. Looking at the timesheets I can now add the missing timesheets to billable by selecting them and clicking Copy to billable.

Click Save and close to get back to the original job

Looking at the visit tab again I can now see that my service items quantity matches my timesheet hours.

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