Change the default file name for your Invoices, Quotes and Report PDFs
1. Open settings - Template
Click on the type of document that you want to change the file name, in this example we're changing the name for Reports, but the test re the same for Invoice and Quote. Just select Quote instead of Report
2. Click on the settings symbol on the right
3. Change the PDF file name using placeholders
This will generate the PDF using the Job and report number as the file name for example 'job-123-rep89'
4. Adding a date (optional)
To add today's date (the date that the PDF was generated) use the {current-date} placeholder or you can use the {report-date} placeholder which will show the Report date - this defaults to the date the report was created, but can be changed by a scheduler.
Please note that there are limitations to using special characters in filenames and the number of characters that can be used. All characters will be displayed as lowercase and all invalid characters will be removed