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Email to job

Let your customers send you emails that add a job automatically

Natasha Tyrrell avatar
Written by Natasha Tyrrell
Updated over 3 years ago

Send an email to automatically create a job in FieldInsight. Set up your email address in Settings - Add-ons and get your customers to send an email to this address to create an unscheduled job. It's super easy to set up, see guide below to get started.


Open Settings - Add-ons and click on the Enable button for Email to job. In the popup, add the email username (email address) for your customers to send the job email to. You can also set an optional default job status and workflow for the jobs that come in by email.

Click the Enable button to save

Send an email to add a job

Send an email to the email username selected in the setup (in this example This will add an unscheduled job in your FieldInsight account. A new site will be created is there's no matching site for email address that the email is sent from.

Send email to create a job

The job will appear as an unscheduled job, but if there's a site matching with the sender's email address the job will be added for this site. The content of the email is added in the job notes.

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