What is a contact? A contact is a person who you deal with at the account customer level, that is not the main person on the account. Eg other supervisors, CEO, extra accounts person, the security guard that is always on duty.
A contact is also not the people you mainly deal with at a site level.
There are two types of contacts in FieldInsight
1) Known (you already have them in your data base)
2) New ( you have never engaged with them before)
Lets learn how to add each type of contact your Account customer.
Start with looking up your account customer
If you already have contacts associated they will be listed under the contact button
Now we will look at the two ways you can add a contact
1) Known (you already have them in your data base) you can search for them and add them to this project. This way you won't create a duplicate contact.
Your existing contact is now added to your Account customer
You're done. The new contact is added to the account customer
2) The contact is the New ( you have never engaged with them before)
Let's learn how to add them to your project.
Update: You can now add the role of the Contact
You're done! If you have other contacts then just repeat the process