Sometime you need additional information on jobs. Things that are specific to your business/industry.
You can add any custom fields that you need to the job page for schedulers and technician
To add a custom field
Click add on the Add job field button
Customise the field
Name your field and select what type of field you want you.
By default custom field are displayed on all jobs, if you want to show this field only for specific job types select Show custom field by job type and select the job types to show this field for.
Select who can view and edit this field
Select if you want this field to retain the data when you split a job, by default this is unchecked to clear the field.
Select if you want this field to be mandatory to save a job in a specific job status. When this is selected and the field is empty the scheduler/technician will get a notice saying they have to complete this field to save the job.
Save the field
Reorganise the fields on the job page using the green up and down arrows