Print a run sheet for the day
1. Click print in the schedule under the day or your technicians name in day view, that you want to print the job report for
2. Click on Print to print the report or Email to send it via email
If sending the report via email select if you want to send it to all workers on the jobs or select specific email address to enter a different email address.
Print a job sheet for one job
Click on the arrow next to the save button on the job to show the dropdown with more options. Click on save & print job to generate a job sheet to print.ย
Customise the Job sheet
1. To customise what you see on the printed job sheet, click on settings - Job Print. You can add your logo, notes and fields using placeholders.ย
Show job items
Under each job show the Service items and /or Product items that the technicians needs fo the job
Show Route
If you use the map planner to plan a rout for he day you can show this rout on the job print for the technician
Show pick list for PM asset tests
This is specifically to show items on planned asset tests for the day. The items are added to the job when the test is completed so they would not show on the job.
3. Click save to print your job sheet using the new settings