Triggered messages can be set up to automatically send documents to your customers and staff when the status is changed on a job.
Setup the messages
in Settings - Email & SMS - Triggered emails click add email message
Create your message
1. Type a subject for your email
You can use placeholders, such as {business-name} to insert the name of your company to customise the message.
2. Select who the email should come from
3. Select the trigger for the email
You can chose to send this email for all jobs set to a status or only when the last job in a series is set to the selected status. For example if you use a job series for a maintenance job, you might want to send a renewal reminder only when the last job in the series is complete.
4. Select the job status that triggers the email
5. Select the job type that you want this email sent for
6. Select who you want to send the email to
The parent customer is the Account customer and the customer is the Site on the job page
7. Type your email message
Remember to use placeholders to customise the message. A list of available placeholders is available at the bottom of the page.
8. Select the attachment that you want to add
You can customise the different templates in Settings - Templates. The documents will be created automatically and sent when you change the status and the above conditions are met, (job series setting, job status and job type) using the information on the job. If you have several templates, you can select which template you want to use to create the document.
If you have a document (report, Invoice, or quote) using the same template that you have selected on the job already the system will send that document. I you want to create a new document each time the email is triggered, check the box Always create new document even if a document of that type already exists.
9. Click save to save your message and start sending it
You can edit the massage by clicking on it in the list