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Add a Contact to a Site

Associate a Contact with a Specific Site in FieldInsight

Ana Pedro avatar
Written by Ana Pedro
Updated over a week ago

When working with larger sites, there may be multiple contacts, each with a different role. Depending on the job requirements, a specific contact may be more suitable to communicate with. FieldInsight allows you to associate multiple contacts with a site, making it easier to select the right person for each job.

Adding a Contact to a Site

To associate a contact with a site, this must be done through the Site section. Follow these steps:

  • Click "Accounts" in the left menu.

  • In the sub-menu, select "Sites (Customers)".

  • Select an existing site and open it.

  • Expand the site information and click on the "Site Contacts" tab (right section).

  • Click "+ Contact" to create a new contact record for this site.

This will redirect you to a new page where all contacts across all sites are listed. Click "Add New Contact" to create a new record.

Fill out the relevant fields for the contact. While there are no required fields, we highly recommend completing the following:

  • First Name - The first name of the contact.

  • Last Name - The last name of the contact.

  • Mobile number - Click on the country flag to select the country code, then enter the mobile number.

  • Role - The contact’s role. Click the Edit button next to "Status" to modify or add new roles.

  • Notes - Any important details or useful information this contact may have related to the site.

Once all the information is filled in, click "Save". The new contact will appear under the "Site Contacts" tab in the Site Information section.

To delete a contact, click the X next to the contact’s name to remove it from the site.

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