Access Business Settings
All settings related to your business and account can be found on the Settings page. To access it, click the βοΈ (Settings icon) in the top-right corner and select Settings from the dropdown menu.
Once you're on the Settings page, navigate to Business β Details. Some fields will already be filled in from when you first created your account.
General Account Information
This section contains key details about your business. Below are the fields and what they mean:
Business Name: Your business name.
Business Type: elect the type of business you operate. The default selection is Services, but if your business deals with units, select Unit Management to unlock specific functionalities.
Timezone: Set the timezone your business operates in.
Apartment and Address: Enter your business address.
Mobile: Click the country icon to change the country code, then enter your phone number.
Account Email Address: The email linked to your account. This is the email used during sign-up, but you can update it if needed.
Logo: Click "Add file" to upload your business logo. This will appear in the left menu.
Web page: If your business has a website, enter the URL here.
Account Visual Customisation
We understand that FieldInsight's default colours might not match your business branding or personal preference. You can customise the Primary Color and the Highlight Color.
Job Forms
If you want a quick way for clients to request services, you can enable a Job Form to automatically collect job requests. All requests will appear under the Unscheduled Jobs section.
Here are a few settings to take note.
To allow clients to specify the type of service they need (e.g., Installation, Maintenance, etc.), keep the "Show job type" checkbox enabled.
Select the default job status for new job requests submitted via the job form.